A significant month
On the eve of Local Government Week I want to recognise and celebrate two significant milestones for Mosman that both celebrate our local democracy while promoting our newly formed regional strategic collaborations.
A year has passed since Mosman retained its independence when the State Government abandoned its forced council amalgamation agenda on 27 July. In line with our regional focus, on 9 August Mosman will host its first Northern Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils (NSROC) meeting since joining the organisation in November 2017. This regional alliance of eight neighbouring councils represents more than 635,000 Northern Sydney residents and more than $53 billion in gross regional product.
Another great example of positive collaboration was Council staff working with Transport for NSW, Sydney buses and our State Member Felicity Wilson to provide a solution for pedestrian safety hazards and bus layovers for Punch Street residents.
Our library will be very busy in August when it hosts both National Science Week and National Children’s Book Week celebrations – all events and activities can be found on Council’s events website.
Another national event of significance is the #YouCanTalk campaign. This important campaign aims to empower people to identify the signs that indicate family, friends or neighbours may be in trouble with depression and suicidal thoughts. I encourage residents to take the time to reflect on and review the campaign information.
On a much lighter note, Council will be hosting its ever popular annual Pet’s Day Out event on the Village Green on Sunday August 26 from 10am to 2pm. Come along, meet new friends and join in the competitions including fancy dress, cutest pet and best trick events – strictly pets only!