Local Housing Strategy
Mosman’s long-established residential development strategy has evolved to ensure that housing provision in the municipality responds to local conditions and reflects community values. This strategy is embodied in Mosman Local Environmental Plan 2012 – in the objectives, land use zones and development standards applied throughout the municipality.
In 2020, Council prepared the Mosman Local Housing Strategy to set out a clear plan for housing in Mosman over the next 20 years to meet anticipated demand. Mosman’s population is projected to increase by 1,370 people to a population of 31,630 people by 2041, with an increasing proportion of older residents and more people living alone.
The Strategy considers the housing needs of Mosman’s current and future population, the right locations for additional housing to meet anticipated demand, and the delivery of housing supply targets set by Greater Sydney Commission.
It is a requirement that all NSW councils prepare a local housing strategy to give effect to actions in the Greater Sydney Commission’s Greater Sydney Region Plan (A Metropolis of Three Cities) and North District Plan.
The Strategy was publicly exhibited from 17 August until 27 September 2020, and subsequently reported to the Council Meeting held on 10 November 2020 where Council resolved to adopt the Strategy and submit it to the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment for approval.
The report considered by Council on 10 November 2020, and the adopted Strategy, can be viewed here.
Enquiries can be made to Council’s Urban Planning team on 9978 4058.