Council’s Response to Climate Change
With broad community support, Council declared a Climate Emergency in November 2019. To act in a manageable, efficient and transparent way, it was considered the best approach would be to develop a Climate Change Action Plan. The plan outlines actions for Council to consider with options assessed against economic, environmental, social and governance outcomes.
In July, 2020, Council resolved the following:
- Council set a target for Council operations of zero net emissions by 2030
- Council set an aspirational target for the community of zero net emissions by 2040
Council developed the Climate Action Plan – Mitigation Strategy with the help of internal and external stakeholder engagement. A draft Climate Action Plan – Mitigation Strategy went out for public consultation in December 2020, and after modification in response to feedback was approved by Council on 6 April 2021. The Climate Action Plan – Mitigation Strategy outlines Mosman Council’s commitment to mitigate environmental impacts by Council and across the Mosman Local Government Area (LGA). The Plan’s focus is on actions that will directly mitigate carbon emissions towards its net zero carbon target for Council operations and demonstrates that Council will focus work with its community to achieve same. The plan is to be updated as new technologies arise and new projects are developed.
Council recently developed the Climate Action Plan - Resilience and Adaptation Strategy, which is a sister document to Councils existing Mitigation Strategy and together provide Council’s overall response and actions to Climate Change. A draft went out for public consultation in June 2022, and after modification in response to feedback was approved by Council on 8 November 2022. Whilst there is obvious cross over, this document is to be used to inform Council and the community on what actions are required to reduce the impact of climate change. It provides a pathway to identify both public and private assets that will need to be modified to adapt to predicted impacts of climate change. It also provides avenues and future directions that Council will take to build resilience in Mosman’s people so the community is well connected and can prepare and recover from major incidences caused by a changing climate. The strategy identifies that further studies are required to better understand the predicted impacts of climate change on Mosman and to help improve community connectiveness. Also much like the Climate Action – Mitigation Strategy, this document is a living document and regular updates will be incorporated when further information becomes available. Further this document will also be reported annually to Council outlining actions taken and change to data sets. Council also resolved to report to review the strategy every four years in order to ensure alignment with climate change predictions, priority issues, and gaps in service levels.
See the Climate Action Plans webpage to view the climate strategies.
Visit the How to Live Sustainability webpage for tips on how to reduce your carbon footprint and live more sustainably
Council Projects
Council is driving forward emissions mitigation projects to help reduce its and the communities impact on climate change.
From 1 July 2022 all of Council energy has been supplied by renewable sources as part of a deal secured along with 24 other participating councils.
Mosman Council has installed solar PV systems to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve sustainability with the following projects. Solar panels have been installed on the Civic Centre ~70 kW, solar panels and a battery at the Council Depot ~11 kW and ~14 kWh battery storage, and batteries at the Marie Bashir Sports Hall ~45 kWh battery storage (to accompany the existing solar array ~52 kW).
Council installed a 50 kilowatt fast charger for Electric Vehicles into Mosman central and a further two fast chargers at Raglan Street West car park, which are well utilised by the community. All energy supplied is through a renewable energy provider. EV ownership in Mosman is increasing steadily. With better city wide infrastructure Electric Vehicles are more viable.
Mosman‘s street lights are being upgraded by Ausgrid to LEDs. The program, which includes changing 700 existing 50W and 80W street lights to 17W lights, will reduce Council’s energy costs by 75 per cent and save about 200 tonnes of carbon emissions a year.
Mosman Council has supported Schools in the LGA to install solar through the Solar My Schools programme. Mosman Public Primary School has put in a 50 kW solar array, and Beauty Point Primary School has a 36 kW solar array, both significantly lowering electricity costs and carbon emissions.
Further information about completed and planned Council mitigation projects is listed in the Climate Action Plan – Mitigation Strategy. These actions will help Council meet its 2030 carbon zero emissions commitment and build resilience in its facilities.
Mosman Apartment & Strata Savings Program
The aim of the program is to improve sustainability while reducing the cost of living & green house gas (GHG) pollution.
Annual strata fee reduction is a major focus, because the savings potential with energy upgrades is typically a good investment. So analysis will be on the numerous opportunities in common areas.
Often owners don‘t realise how much energy and money is being wasted in the hidden areas and equipment of buildings, so a report by specialists will clearly quantify that, and make recommendations for the owners corporation to follow up on.
Approving upgrades is easier now the NSW Government‘s Strata Schemes Management Amendment (Sustainability Infrastructure) Bill has been implemented. This lowers the bar from needing a special resolution (75% threshold) to sustainability infrastructure resolution (50% threshold) for any sustainability upgrade to proceed in a residential strata scheme.
When the options are clearly illustrated with a good report, the thinking becomes… why wouldn’t we upgrade, given the financial benefits!
2023-2024 Program Rollout – round 4
Free Apartment Assessment – Expressions of Interest are open
The program offers – at no cost:
- Energy assessments performed by industry specialists.
- Detailed reports which will clearly illustrate the financial case for upgrades.
- Online video call support at strata meetings if requested to help communicate benefits of building upgrades.
- General support.
Eligible Buildings
The scheme offers sustainability assessments and reports to larger strata schemes and aged care facilities.
Did you know?
- Most apartment buildings will benefit with efficiency upgrades in common areas.
- Around 51.7% of local residents live in apartments in Mosman.
- Renewable heat and electricity can both replace imported grid gas and electricity.
- Renewable heat is perfect in shady areas, at night, or if cloudy, unlike solar electricity, and can provide space heating and domestic water heating.
Energy Cost savings
- LED Lighting
- Solar electricity – solar panels for rooftops and walls, and batteries for energy storage.
- Renewable heat from the sun – for space heating and water heating.
- Energy efficiency – why waste energy?
- Often upgrades offer investment opportunities with an internal rate of return (IRR) between 15-50% 1, which will likely be one of the best investment returns you’ll ever make.
- Simple payback periods are commonly as short as 2 years.
1 Based on recent upgrades.

Mosman Household Scorecard Program
What is a Scorecard?
The national Residential Efficiency Scorecard is an innovative, government-backed program that offers:
- a star rating for your home, just like your washing machine,
- can offer a clear pathway to reduce your energy costs,
- provides tailored recommendations for home upgrade improvements while making your home more comfortable.
2024 Program Rollout
Free single standing home Scorecard Assessment - Expressions of Interest are open
The program offers at no cost:
- Council is offering Mosman residents living in a free-standing home the opportunity to have an assessor come to your home for a free assessment. Town houses and duplex houses are also accepted.
- The Scorecard Assessment provides a way of knowing where most of the energy is used in your home, and considers fixed appliances such as heating, cooling, and hot water appliances, as well as the construction and design of your home.
More specifically a Scorecard Assessment looks at your home:
Building shell such as:
- Wall, floor and ceiling materials
- Insulation
- Windows and eaves
- Gaps and cracks.
Fixed features such as:
- Heating and cooling systems
- Hot water systems
- Lighting
- Curtains and external blinds
- Solar panels
- Outdoor pools and spas
Non fixed items such as fridges and washing machines are not included.
The Residential Efficiency Scorecard is changing the way Australians understand and manage their home’s energy performance. The Victorian Government administers the Scorecard program nationally. Private accredited Assessors carry out scorecard assessments. All information collected is confidential.
The Mosman program is capped to the first 20 householders whose Expression of Interest has been approved.
All participants must:
- Be living in a free-standing home in Mosman. Townhouses and duplexes are also accepted.
- Assessments are for homes built before 2015 only.
- Fill out all questions in the Expression of Interest form.
- Agree to conducting a pre and post survey (note: the post survey takes place 12 months after the booked assessment.)
- Commit to the appointment time agreed upon with the assessor. If the assessor arrives at your home and someone over 18 years old is not home to allow the assessment to take place, the assessment will be cancelled for that address and another time slot will not be granted. The appointment date can be changed prior the appointed date under approval from the assessor.
- The assessment should take place before 25 November 2024.