The Library is a valuable community resource and there are many ways that you can contribute.
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer sign up now!
For more information about volunteering, contact the Volunteers’ Office on 9978 4126 or email
Home Library Service Volunteer
- Collect books/cds from Home Library Service Office
- Deliver books/cds to Home Library Service Reader
- Return books/cds to Barry O‘Keefe Library
- Relay any messages or requests from the reader to the Home Library Service Librarian
Days and times of visiting will be negotiated between the volunteer and reader but is usually once a fortnight. The length of time spent with the reader is flexible and to be determined between the reader and volunteer.
- Genuine care and concern for the housebound
- Reasonable level of fitness because books are quite heavy
- Reliability
- Satisfaction in providing a much appreciated service
- The enjoyment and rewards of building a friendship with the reader
- Knowledge that you are improving the reader’s quality of life
Report to Home Library Services Librarian
Local Studies – Oral History Interviewer
- Undertake oral history interviews with past and current Mosman residents, business owners and students.
Key Position Objective
- Gathering and preserving the history of Mosman
Essential Skills/Experience
- Excellent interpersonal and communication skills
- Patience and enthusiasm
- Interest in historical research
Other Requirements/Experience Desired
- Familiarity with use of recording equipment
- Drivers licence – as it may be necessary to travel to another suburb
- Satisfaction in providing a much appreciated service
- Assisting in gathering and preserving the history of Mosman
- Increasing volunteer’s knowledge and understanding of Mosman’s history
- The opportunity to develop research skills and communication skills
Report to Local Studies Librarian, Donna Braye – 9978 4101
Local Studies – Archives Assistant
- Undertake the identification and description of archival records held in the Barry O‘Keefe Library Local Studies Collection
Key Position Objective
- Preserve the history of Mosman
Essential Skills/Experience
- Excellent interpersonal and communication skills
- Historical research skills
- Clerical skills
- Attention to detail
Other Requirements/Experience Desired
- Familiarity with use of equipment such as microfiche/microfilm readers and photocopiers
- Familiarity with computers
- Familiarity with online resources
- Satisfaction in providing a much appreciated service
- Opportunity to develop research and communication skills
- Developing an awareness of available resources and agencies
- Interacting with staff
- Knowledge and satisfaction in assisting with community project
Report to Local Studies Librarian, Donna Braye – 9978 4101
Last updated Thursday 8 July 2021
Last updated Thursday 8 July 2021