There are many beautiful foreshore and bushland walks in Mosman. Walks can be done individually or linked to complete a loop of Mosman.
Council manages a variety of parks, reserves and foreshore areas which serve as venues for formal and informal recreation for all age groups.
Mosman is home to some of the most picturesque beaches in Sydney, including Balmoral, Chinamans and Cobblers Beaches.
The Mosman foreshore spans 24km and has some great fishing sites. We encourage you to fish responsibly and be aware of your safety at all times.
Mosman has a range of sporting fields and facilities available for use. These are well utilised by a variety of local and regional school and sporting groups.
Mosman has 15 public playgrounds. These playgrounds vary from simple swings and climbing structures to the latest in playground equipment.
Mosman Market features over 130 stalls comprising gourmet foods, locally made hand produced arts and crafts and Fair Trade goods.
Chowder Bay is home to amazing marine life, both plants and animals that live on the jetty, pylons, nets and the sea floor.
Council has a monthly Instagram competition that invites members of the community to share their significant and scenic snapshots of Mosman.
Mosman is well served by cultural facilities along with an active program of community-led events and programs.
Information on Mosman Swim Centre, Sporting Wall of Fame and registered personal trainers.
The cycling network within and adjacent to Mosman is constantly improving and expanding.