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Heritage Listings

Mosman‘s complex heritage has been created by the interplay of its harbour setting, topography, vegetation, built environment, and its rich cultural landscape that reflects a fascinating history.

Heritage listing provides formal recognition by Council or the State Government that a place has heritage significance and that the community wants to keep it for future generations. There are two levels of statutory listing:

  1. local heritage items listed on heritage schedules in Mosman‘s Local Environment Plan (LEP) 2012; and
  2. state heritage items listed on the State Heritage Register. This list includes only those items which have been identified as having particular importance to the people of NSW.

There are around 500 Heritage Items and Archaeological Sites and 13 Heritage Conservation Areas listed in Mosman.

Inventory Sheets are available for properties identified as containing Heritage Items. They include a brief statement of the significance of the property, a description, photograph, and some include historic notes.

These sheets – the Mosman Heritage Inventory – are available as part of the NSW State Heritage Inventory.

Heritage Conservation Areas

Buildings within Council’s 13 Heritage Conservation Areas (HCAs) have a ranking identifying their level of contribution to the significance of the HCA.

The rankings provide a snapshot assessment of the building as viewed from the street and can be used as a starting point in the understanding of a building’s potential heritage significance. For an explanation of the rankings, see the HCA Ranking Descriptions.

The maps below, which were updated in 2018, illustrate the current rankings:


Council seeks to keep the Mosman Heritage Inventory up to date, however there may be information not yet included such as additional historical research or information on changes to Items resulting from development with Council‘s consent.

Clarification of the Heritage Listing of a property is best obtained by the application for a Planning Certificate through Council.

Last updated Monday 28 June 2021
Last updated Monday 28 June 2021