Election Ahead
As most readers will know, a new Council election will take place on Saturday, 9 September. Voting is compulsory in local elections as for state and federal elections.
This election will mark the end of the 5-year term of the present Council. Our term was extended by a year due to the still on-going legal issues concerning the NSW Government’s proposal to merge us with Willoughby and North Sydney.
Despite these uncertainties, five current councillors (Crs. Bendall, Corrigan, Menzies, Moline and Sherlock) have declared that they will stand again for Council. And all except Cr. Sherlock will stand for the position of popularly-elected Mayor, as well as for a councillor position if not elected Mayor.
Cr. White and I will not be re-standing for Council. But doubtless various other candidates will announce shortly.
Hopefully the outcome will be a good balance of experience and continuity with fresh ideas and energy.
Concurrent with the election process, Council is running a poll on the question: “Do you support the merger of Mosman Council with Willoughby and North Sydney Councils as proposed by the NSW Government?” Some background will shortly be posted out to all residents and ratepayers.
At the 2012 election, over 80% of respondents opposed any merger of Mosman Council. Hopefully we will get an equally unambiguous result in our 2017 poll. I will certainly be saying NO to this new poll question.
And, finally, let us hope that the NSW Government listens to the vote.