From the Mayor - May 2020
As we reach the mid-point of 2020, in what has been a truly extraordinary and historic year, I purposefully look forward to the remainder of the year with cautious optimism.
With the further easing of restrictions, our children are back at school and I know the entire community is hopeful that no major disruptions disturb the rest of their school year.
After months of shuttered doors, we welcome back our retail shopping strips. Never before has buying local been so critically important. Because local businesses are the lifeblood of our commercial community, Council is expected to vote unanimously at the upcoming June Council Meeting to financially sponsor the Mosman Chamber of Commerce’s proposed ‘Think Mosman First’ initiative. This initiative is fully supported by local business leaders and will hopefully be the much needed ‘shot in the arm’ to really encourage residents and visitors to buy local and sustain and nurture our wonderful, diverse and unique shopping precincts.
Also at the June Meeting, our revised 2018-2021 Delivery Program and 2020/2021 Operational Plan and Budget will be tabled. Despite the enormous challenges Council has worked hard to find appropriate savings and efficiencies, whilst still maintaining current service levels. This commitment has enabled staff to forecast a small and manageable operating deficit. I want to take this opportunity to sincerely thank our General Manager and senior executive staff for so assiduously and deftly steering us towards a strong and safe economic future.
This week marks the 20th anniversary of 250,000 people walking across the Sydney Harbour Bridge for the 2000 ‘The People’s Walk’ for National Reconciliation. Over the course of that year, close to one million people took part in reconciliation walks in all capital cities and our national journey towards a more just and equitable reconciled Australian society continues.
In closing, can I inspire any resident who has been journaling or collating local images and stories during our COVID lockdown to consider archiving their experiences with the Local Studies Section of our Library. Sharing these stories will ensure future residents and visitors will learn from our community reflections on this significant and historic moment in time.