Council Decided - 2 August 2016
Mayoral Annual Report
Mosman Mayor Peter Abelson presented his annual report for 2015/16, providing an overview of Council challenges and achievements during the past year. A full copy of the Mayoral Annual report is available here.
Farewell to General Manager, Veronica Lee
The Mayor also presented a Mayoral Minute in which he thanked Veronica Lee for her outstanding work as Council‘s General Manager over the last three years. Key achievements during Veronica‘s tenure have included the overhaul of Council‘s finances, and significant organisational changes resulting in improvements in compliance, communications and customer service. Veronica leaves Mosman Council to take up the position of Executive Director, Corporate Services, at the NSW Office of Sport.
Council also appointed Dominic Johnson as Acting General Manager following Veronica‘s departure from Council. Dominic will commence duties on 8 August.
Community Grants Program 2016/17
Council resolved to allocate more than $48,000 to community organisations as part of its 2016/17 Community Grants Program. Under this year‘s program, 27 organisations will receive funding, with money being allocated to a wide variety of projects and activities including musical performances, a community forum and mentoring program, an historical exhibition, a school readiness program, renovations and refurbishments and sporting equipment purchases.
Council also resolved to consider increasing the total funding available under this program from $50,000 to $70,000 when it prepares its 2017/18 Budget.
Development Applications – Taronga Zoo
Council approved two development applications lodged by Taronga Zoo. These applications relate to the provision of ZooSnooz accommodation as well as temporary educational facilities at the Zoo while other works are underway.
Local Government Reform
Council is currently awaiting judgment on its legal action in the Land and Environment Court regarding the NSW Government‘s merger proposal process. It has been resolved by Council that an Extraordinary Meeting be held immediately following the handing down of this judgment to determine what further action, if any, should be taken.
It was also resolved that, in the event Council is unable to hold this meeting in the time available, delegation be given to the Mayor in consultation with the General Manager to make a decision on any further action, with this decision reviewed at the earliest possible opportunity. Council also resolved to allocate a budget of $100,000 towards any further action approved by the Mayor in this instance.