Council Decided – 7 May 2024
Inquiry into Local Government Sustainability
An inquiry into local government sustainability was recently announced by the Australian House of Representatives Standing Committee on Regional Development, Infrastructure and Transport. The Committee called for submissions to the inquiry, with a closing date of 3 May 2024. Matters to be dealt with by the inquiry include local government financial sustainability and funding, changing obligations of local government, workforce issues relating to local government and the role of the Australian Government in addressing relevant issues. Given the closing date for submissions closed prior to its May meeting, Council resolved to endorse a submission prepared by staff and lodged with the Committee before 3 May.
MOSPLAN and Budget Quarterly Reports – January-March 2024
The third quarterly report detailing progress against Council’s adopted Delivery Program, Operational Plan and Budget for 2023-2024 was presented to Council. The report, together with a separate detailed report on Council’s financial position, identified good progress in service delivery and solid financial results, with a modest (and improved) surplus still forecast at year end.
Property Management Policies Review
Council resolved to make a series of changes to three property-related policies, noting that the amendments were not considered significant or representative of a material shift in policy. The revised policies adopted by Council included the Community Properties Management Policy (previously the Management of Community Properties Policy), the Road Reserves Sale, Lease and Consent Policy, and the Outdoor Dining and Goods on Footpath Policy. In adopting the amended policies Council clarified the delegations of the General Manager in relation to the granting of consent for applications under section 138 of the Roads Act 1993.
Risk Management and Internal Audit Guidelines
A report was presented to Council on the Local Government (General) Amendment (Audit, Risk and Improvement Committees) Regulation that is due to commence on 1 July 2024. The regulation prescribes requirements for audit risk and improvement committees, internal audit and risk management. The report referenced draft Terms of Reference for Council’s Audit Risk and Improvement Committee and Internal Audit Charter commencing 1 July 2024, prepared in accordance with the new Regulation and previously referred to and endorsed by Council’s current Audit Risk and Improvement Committee (ARIC). Council resolved to adopt the Committee Terms of Reference and Internal Audit Charter as amended and endorsed by the ARIC, to be effective from 1 July 2024. It was also resolved that Council give further consideration to the issue of appointing a Councillor (other than the Mayor) to the ARIC constituted from 1 July 2024 following the local government elections in September this year.
Privacy Management Plan
Following a review of Council’s Privacy Management Plan to address outstanding recommendations of a 2022 internal audit report relating to privacy training and awareness and privacy risk assessment and risk register, a revised Privacy Management Plan has been prepared. After considering a report on this matter Council resolved to adopt the revised Privacy Management Plan, which now contains a Privacy Risk Governance framework that reflects Council’s current and future approach to the matters raised in the 2022 audit.
Reid Park Playground Upgrade
The concept design phase for upgrades to the Reid Park playground has been completed following community consultation earlier this year. The playground design responds to feedback provided during the consultation period, as well as to issues and opportunities at the site and the incorporation of inclusive design elements in three distinct play zones. Council resolved to approve the playground upgrade design and agreed that the project now proceed to procurement and build stages. It is anticipated that on-ground works will be undertaken between October and December 2024, with works being notified on Council’s website and through onsite signage.
Parks and Sporting Fields Contract
Council resolved to approve specifications for a new Parks and Sports Fields Contract to replace the contract expiring on 3 October 2024. The new contract will be for an initial term of 12 months with an option for Council to extend a further 2 + 2 years. This a significant contract for Council, covering ovals management, turf wicket management, sporting fields renovations, parks turf management, public garden management, irrigation management, water features management and playground and fitness equipment management. KPIs have been included to manage the success of the works and to ensure a high quality of service delivery. This matter will be further reported to Council’s July 2024 meeting once the outcomes of the relevant tender process are known.
Resident Parking Scheme Review
In order to ensure that Council’s Resident Parking Scheme Policy is in line with the most recent Permit Parking Guidelines issued by Transport for NSW, Council in July 2023 approved the scope for a review of Mosman’s Resident Parking Scheme Areas 1-9. The scope of the review included an update of inventory of parking permit eligibility, each scheme’s on-street parking capacity and a review of each scheme’s permit availability based on the updated guidelines. The subsequent review found that no significant changes to Council’s Resident Parking Scheme Policy are currently supported, with only minor amendments proposed to the Scheme going forward. The draft revised policy has been condensed and simplified by removing more operational elements and includes amendments such as the ability for properties adjacent to schemes to opt in subject to relevant eligibility criteria, and the process for establishing a new scheme. Council resolved to endorse the draft revised policy for public comment and the matter will again be considered by Council at the conclusion of the public exhibition period.
Grant Applications – School Zone Pedestrian Upgrades
Council endorsed funding applications for a range of projects designed to improve pedestrian infrastructure around local school zones. These include works such as footpath upgrades, kerb ramps, roadworks and road level adjustments, pedestrian refuges, median islands and pedestrian fencing around Mosman High School, Mosman Preparatory School and Sacred Heart Primary School Zones. Depending on the outcome of funding applications these works will be scheduled for 2024/25 and 2025/26.