Council Decided - 3 and 19 May 2016
Council Decided – 3 May 2016
Boronia – Tender for Lease and Management
Earlier this year tenders were called by Council for the lease and management of historic Boronia, a grand mansion built in 1885 at 624 Military Road Mosman. Council received two tender responses and has resolved to enter into negotiations with a view to reaching an agreement on terms both advantageous to Council and sustainable for the prospective lessee.
Mosman Design Excellence Panel
In March this year Council resolved to support the creation of the Mosman Design Excellence Panel to provide advice on the design quality of major development proposals in Mosman. Council has now adopted Terms of Reference for this panel and has resolved to seek expressions of interest for membership of the panel. The Mosman Design Excellence Panel will comprise three to four independent members with expertise in architecture or urban design.
Mosman Planning Agreements Policy
In response to a previous resolution of Council a draft Planning Agreements Policy was submitted to Council in December 2015 and subsequently considered by Council’s Urban Planning Committee in January this year. Following consideration by the Urban Planning Committee the draft Mosman Planning Agreements Policy was exhibited for public comment in February-March, with no submissions received. Council gave consideration to the latest draft policy incorporating some minor amendments since public exhibition and resolved that the policy be adopted.
Planning Proposal – Archaeological Sites
In August 2015 Council resolved to prepare a Planning Proposal to amend Mosman Local Environmental Plan (MLEP) 2012 to update a number of heritage listings relating to archaeological sites in Mosman. The Planning Proposal was subsequently referred to the Department of Planning and then publicly exhibited in November and December 2015.
As a result of the public submissions received, Council has resolved to proceed with the Planning Proposal to amend the MLEP in the manner identified in the original proposal for the majority of heritage items, as well as proceeding in an amended form for two items (Ventilation stack and original septic tank and Curlew and Mia Mia Camps) and deferring consideration of a further three items (Avenue Road tram terminus, former stone quarry Avenue Road and former Harnett’s quarry Royalist Road).
Waste and Recycling Services Contract
In December 2015 Council resolved that tenders be issued for a two year waste and recycling contract commencing 1 October 2016, with three option extension periods of 12 months each. Tenders for this service were called in March 2016 and two tenders were received. Council has resolved to accept the tender of United Resource Management, Council’s current contractor, for domestic and commercial waste and recycling services.
Taronga Zoo – Australia Habitat and Taronga Wildlife Retreat
Council gave consideration to a State Significant Development Application for a proposed new habitat and eco-tourist facility at Taronga Zoo. The proposed development includes 62 rooms of accommodation and a four storey addition to the existing Taronga Centre. It was resolved by Council that, prior to finalising a submission on the development application, a meeting with Zoo representatives and Councillor workshop be held to inform Council’s position.
Car Share Policy
In June 2015 Council resolved that a Car Share Policy be developed and brought back to Council for consideration. This followed a significant number of community submissions regarding proposed fees for car share operators advertised in Council’s draft 2015/16 Schedule of Fees and Charges. A draft policy was subsequently prepared and considered at the meeting, with new fees for car share operators also proposed. The draft policy and fees has been released for public comment, with submissions due by 17 June 2016.
Council Decided – 19 May 2016
Taronga Zoo – Australia Habitat and Taronga Wildlife Retreat
Following a meeting with representatives of Taronga Zoo and a Councillor workshop to consider the proposed Taronga Zoo development including 62 rooms of accommodation and four additional storeys on the Taronga Centre, Council further discussed this matter at an Extraordinary Meeting. It was resolved that Council prepare and lodge a submission indicating that the proposal is not supported for reasons including permissibility of use, suitability of use of public land, equity issues, social impact, parking, tree loss, construction impacts and consistency with relevant legislation.