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Council Decided - 4 April 2017

Posted on Friday 7 April 2017

Draft MOSPLAN Delivery Program, Operational Plan, Budget and Pricing Policy – Schedule of Fees and Charges

The latest draft revisions to Council’s Delivery Program, together with a draft 2017-2018 Operational Plan, Budget and Pricing Policy – Schedule of Fees and Charges were considered by Council and endorsed in principle for exhibition.

The exhibition period for the draft documents commences on Friday 7 April and closes on Sunday 7 May 2017. All documents will be available for review at Mosman Civic Centre, Barry O’Keefe Library and at Submissions on the draft documents can be made by regular mail, email to or via the online submission form on this website.

Street Tree Master Plan

Council considered amendments to its Street Tree Master Plan and resolved that these changes be publicly exhibited for six weeks, with funding for the street tree program proposed to be increased to address the impacts of the 10/50 vegetation policy introduced by the NSW Government. Council also agreed to consider listing the tree commonly known as Norfolk Island Hibiscus as undesirable in its Local Weed Plan.

The revised Street Tree Master Plan aims to sustain and enhance Mosman streetscapes, providing habitat corridors, increasing shading of hard surfaces and providing amenity and character for the local area while reducing maintenance costs and maintaining existing view lines. The tree species included in the revised Plan include some new species as well as the removal of other species previously included. A street-by-street listing of tree species will accompany exhibition of the revised Plan, which will be available on this website in coming weeks.

Balmoral Promenade Replacement and Seating Works

Council has previously resolved to undertake a new program of refurbishment works at Balmoral including concrete promenade replacement, seating works, beach access stairs and other works around the Rotunda. At Tuesday’s meeting Council agreed to appoint contractors to undertake part of these works and also to enter into negotiations for remaining works. It is expected that the first stage of the works, which will involve the concrete promenade replacement, will commence in the next few months, with the full program of works extending into the 2017/18 financial year.

Legal Services to Council

Council regularly reviews and market tests the provision of legal services and has resolved to again seek tenders for these services commencing 1 July 2017.

Bus Shelter Provision and Maintenance

In 2002 Council entered into a contract for the provision and maintenance of bus shelters in Mosman for a 15 year period. With this contract now coming to an end, Council has resolved to again seek tenders for the provision (re-use or replacement) and maintenance of local bus shelters, including shelters with and without commercial advertising.

Basketball Hoop at Balmoral Oval

Responding to a recent request by Council, staff presented a report detailing options for installing a basketball hoop at Balmoral Oval. It was resolved by Council that an 8m x 8m basketball facility be installed adjacent to the skate park at Balmoral Oval and that funding for this work be included in Council’s 2017/18 Budget.