Council Decided - 4 July 2017
Amalgamation Poll – 9 September 2017
Council had previously resolved to conduct a Poll of Electors on the issue of Council mergers at the local government elections on 9 September. Following consideration of a Mayoral Minute on this issue, Council has decided to slightly amend the proposed poll question to read as follows:
Do you support the amalgamation of Mosman Council with Willoughby City Council and North Sydney Council as proposed by the NSW Government?
This proposed question will now be referred to the Electoral Commission for approval.
Appointment of General Manager
In August 2016 Mr Dominic Johnson commenced as Mosman Council’s General Manager on a twelve month contract. The length of contracts for General Managers is currently limited by guidelines issued by the NSW Government for councils subject to merger proposals. Following a recruitment process in June/July this year Council resolved to offer Mr Johnson a further twelve month contract for the position of Mosman’s General Manager commencing August 2017.
Court Lighting – Drill Hall Common
On 30 June 2017 an offer was made by the NSW government to provide funding for lighting of the outdoor netball courts at Drill Hall Common. Council considered this matter and resolved to accept the offer of funding and to commence a process of consultation and approval prior to proceeding with the associated lighting works. Council also resolved that it pursue, in consultation with Mosman Netball, further grant opportunities to facilitate a clubhouse for the netball club.
Provision and Maintenance of Bus Shelters
Following a recent call for tenders, Council considered submissions for the future provision and maintenance of bus shelters in Mosman. Council will now enter into negotiations with two tenderers prior to entering into a contract for this service by September 2017.
Signage Strategy and Style Guidelines
Over the past year Council has begun the rollout of new directional and place signage within the public domain to improve information available to residents and visitors and to establish a more sophisticated and contemporary approach to branding in Mosman’s public spaces. Council has now resolved to formally adopt a Signage Strategy and Guidelines which reflect the nature and intent of signage works implemented to date and to provide clear direction for future works.
Street Tree Master Plan
In April 2017 Council resolved to exhibit a new Street Tree Master Plan and also to increase funding for street tree planting to assist in addressing the loss of tree canopy resulting from the NSW government’s 10/50 laws. The draft Street Tree Master Plan was subsequently exhibited for an extended period between April and June 2017, resulting in fourteen submissions. Two residents also spoke in relation to the draft Plan at Council’s July meeting. After considering the comments of residents it was resolved by Council that the new Street Tree Master Plan be adopted, with minor amendment relating to Dugald Road and due consideration being given to tree planting under the Plan that enhances rather than obscures vistas.
Live and Local Events
In response to a Notice of Motion, Council resolved to investigate the potential for Council, in conjunction with the Mosman Chamber of Commerce and local businesses, to organise a ‘Live and Local’ music event, similar to that held in Camden in mid June 2017.