Postcards from the Future winners
On 10 October Mosman’s Mayor, Cr Carolyn Corrigan, announced the winners of Council’s recent Postcards from the Future competition.
This competition was open to all primary and high school students in Mosman. Primary students were invited to draw their ‘future Mosman’ on a postcard and high school students were asked to write about their hopes for Mosman in the year 2028. Entries were judged on their creativity, the concepts communicated and the quality of work.
Some of the common themes illustrated in student entries were caring for the environment and advancement of technology. Of the 214 entries – 166 from primary school students and 48 from high school students –a winner and two highly commended recipients were selected from each category.
The winners of each category received a gift voucher for $200 and those who were highly commended a voucher for $100.
Congratulations to the winners and highly commended recipients:
Primary School Category
Winner – Oliver Boyd, Mosman Public School
Highly Commended – Ashley Visitpanich and Sophia Boyd, Mosman Public School
High School Category
Winner – Catalina Dowd, Mosman High School
Highly Commended – Kasinda Faase, Mosman High School and Cathy Mao, Manly Selective Campus