Planning for the future
April has been a busy month of fun activities for both our seniors and younger residents with Youth Week kicking off on the Village Green as our very well patronised and successful Seniors Week finished. It is timely that the full MYVOICE youth consultation report can now be accessed on the Youth page of Council’s website as it contains honest insights into the key issues facing all our young people and, most importantly, their suggested solutions. I would encourage all residents to read the comprehensive report.
Council has also been busy reviewing its varied works and planning for the future. In our April meeting, Council resolved to place the latest MOSPLAN on public exhibition and it can be viewed on Council’s website or by visiting the Civic Centre or Barry O’Keefe Library.
On Tuesday 8 May I will host a community forum at 6pm in the Council Chambers to highlight key budget initiatives, listen to your comments and answer your questions on MOSPLAN so please come along and have your say on Mosman’s future direction. Council encourages and welcomes community feedback until Sunday 13 May.
I also plan to engage with our community in our beautiful natural environment by attending a local event, Walk The Path to a Cultural Understanding, which explores the history and contemporary life of Indigenous Sydney. Join me on the 6km interpretive walk from Bradleys to Middle Head on Saturday 5 May. Further information and details can be found on Council’s events website.
The month draws to a close with Anzac Day commemorative services taking place across our community. I was privileged to be the key note speaker at the Mosman RSL sub-branch service at the Mosman War Memorial last Sunday and to represent our community at the annual Anzac Day dawn service at Georges Heights. Lest We Forget.