It's Local. It's 50!
Unless marked otherwise, the speed limit in Mosman is 50km/h, so please drive at this speed or under, depending on the conditions. Areas with speed limits of 10, 40 or 60km/h are clearly marked.
Many of us speed thinking that just a little bit over is okay, that no-one will get hurt and that that we have control of the vehicle. This is a dangerous way of thinking. In Mosman, statistics from 2014 show that the greatest contributing factor to crashes is speed, making up 11% of all crashes.
The 50km/h local speed limit allows us to adjust our driving when unexpected things occur, like a young child chasing a ball onto the road or a vehicle backing out of a driveway. As a community we all need to be responsible and make sure that we drive to the conditions of the road and adjust our speed to best suit our surroundings.
Not all streets in Mosman are 50km/h. There are 40km/h high pedestrian areas, 40km/h school zones and 10km/h shared zones. Please take note of signs when travelling around Mosman, as these zones are in place to improve safety, especially for pedestrians.
Remember – It’s local it’s 50! – keep our roads safe for everyone and drive to the conditions of the road.
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