Council Decided - 8 November 2016
2017 Council Meeting Schedule
Council resolved to maintain its practice of meeting on the first Tuesday of the month during 2017. The exceptions to this rule are November, when Council has traditionally met on the second rather than the first Tuesday of the month, and September, when the Council meeting will be moved to the third Tuesday to take account of local government elections scheduled for that month.
Disability Inclusion Action Plan
Over recent months Council has engaged in extensive community engagement to develop a draft Disability Inclusion Plan for Mosman. The draft Plan was considered by Council and has been approved for public exhibition to seek further community feedback. Following the exhibition period and review of community submissions received, the draft Disability Inclusion Action Plan will be referred back to Council for final adoption. All Councils in NSW are required to adopt these Plans by 30 June 2017.
Emergency Services Levy
During consideration of its quarterly budget review statement for the period ending 30 September 2016, Council discussed the proposed arrangements for future collection of the NSW Government’s Emergency Services Levy. The Government is proposing that this levy, currently collected from individuals as part of property insurance premiums, be collected instead through the Council rating system. It was subsequently resolved that Council object to any Emergency Services Levy that imposes an additional financial burden on Council and ratepayers.
2015-16 Annual Report
Council’s Annual report for the 2015-16 financial year was tabled at the meeting and will now be referred to the Minister for Local Government. The report will also be made available on Council’s website,
Resident parking – Bond, Rosebery, Countess and Earl Streets
Several residents addressed the meeting regarding parking difficulties in and around Bond, Rosebery, Countess and Earl Street and the advantages and disadvantages of various parking solutions were discussed. It was resolved by Council that, subject to the local Jeep Dealership confirming an arrangement for off street parking, no further action be taken at this stage regarding a resident parking scheme in the area. This will be reviewed in 12 months.
Council also resolved to review current DA conditions relating to the car dealership, to explore options for angled parking in the vicinity and to provide local residents with the opportunity to submit further ideas to improve parking in the area.
Proposed Habitat and Eco-Tourist Facility – Taronga Zoo
Council has been granted the opportunity to provide final comments and recommended conditions in relation to the proposed new habitat and eco-tourist facility at Taronga Zoo, prior to the Department of Planning and Environment completing its assessment of the proposal. Council resolved to raise a number of concerns with the proposal, particularly as they relate to permissibility and use of public land, and to submit recommendations for conditions relating to the provision of advanced replacement trees and compliance with Council’s standard construction hours.
New Year’s Eve Road Closures and Clearways
Council considered proposals for clearways and road closures associated with the 2016 New Year’s Eve celebrations and resolved to reject the application for a clearway on Military Road between Raglan Street and Spit Road as this serves no worthwhile purpose while taking away parking amenity during a peak shopping period. The final determination regarding the clearway rests with the State government.
Sydney Planning Panel
Following consideration of Mosman’s representation on the Sydney Planning Panel (which will replace the previous Joint Regional Planning Panel following establishment of the Greater Sydney Commission), Council resolved to nominate the Hon. Paul Stein as the expert member representing Mosman and to also nominate Councillor Tom Sherlock as the second member of the Panel. Mr Brian McDonald will be nominated by Council as the alternate expert panel member.
Council further resolved to make representations to the Greater Sydney Commission requesting that the threshold value for referrals to the Sydney Planning Panel be raised from $20million to $40million
Membership of Local Government NSW
Council considered a Notice of Motion regarding its membership of Local Government NSW. In resolving on this matter Council noted that Local Government NSW has failed to provide leadership on the reform options available to the sector as alternatives to forced amalgamations. Council agreed that Council staff prepare a report on the cost, benefits and efficacy of being a member of Local Government NSW.