Council Decided - 8 March 2016
Mosman, North Sydney and Willoughby Merger Proposal
In response to a Mayoral Minute presented by Mayor Peter Abelson, Council resolved to endorse its existing policy against forced amalgamations and to oppose the NSW Government’s proposed merger of Mosman with North Sydney and Willoughby. The Council will also seek legal advice about whether legal action being pursued by Woollahra Council is applicable to the proposed Mosman, North Sydney and Willoughby merger and will prepare a formal submission on the proposal prior to the NSW Government’s 8 April deadline.
An information campaign relating to the latest merger proposal was also approved by Council including banners, posters, flyers, website publicity and media advertising.
Synthetic Sports Surface – Middle Head Oval
Council heard numerous submissions from community members both for and against the proposed installation of a synthetic playing surface at Middle Head Oval. Following extended debate on this item Council resolved to support the installation of a synthetic grass surface at Middle Head Oval and to request the Sydney Harbour Federation Trust to accept a Development Application for the works. If the Trust agrees to this request a Development Application will be prepared and lodged for consideration.
Balmoral Reserves Plan of Management
Following consideration of a report on the Balmoral Reserves Plan of Management Council determined that this matter be deferred pending the outcome of the current local government reform process.
Unattended Boat Trailers
Council again considered the problem of boat trailers parked for long periods on local streets, noting proposed changes to the Impounding Act 1993 which are intended to assist councils in the management of boat trailer parking. These amendments allow councils to declare the whole or part of their local government area as a ‘declared area’ in which they will have clear powers to move on or impound boat trailers that have not moved for more than 28 days. Council resolved to declare the whole of the Mosman municipality a ‘declared area’ under the Act, maximising opportunities to enforce the new legislative provisions in Mosman. The changes to the Impounding Act will commence on 1 October 2016.
Design Excellence Panel
Council gave consideration to the establishment of a Design Excellence Panel which will contribute further design expertise to the assessment of major development proposals in Mosman. It was resolved that Council support the creation of the Mosman Design Excellence Panel and that Terms of Reference for this panel be prepared for the May 2016 Council Meeting. Council’s resolution envisages that the Mosman Design Excellence Panel will provide advice on design quality particularly in circumstances involving public land, strategic sites, mixed use sites (over 3 stories high) or where applicants are seeking significant exceptions to Mosman’s planning controls. It is anticipated that membership of the panel will include independent experts with expertise in architecture or urban design.