Council Decided – 7 March 2023
Social Media Policy
Having considered a report in relation to the review of its 2018 Social Media Policy, Council resolved that further consideration of this matter be deferred to its next meeting in April 2023.
2023 Festival of Mosman
Council coordinates a comprehensive program of community events, known as the Festival of Mosman, every two years. The last Festival was unfortunately cancelled due to the impacts of COVID-19, and this year’s Festival will be the first since 2019. The proposed program of events for the 2023 Festival was considered and approved, with Council also committing to hold its next Out and About series of Spring events in October 2024. The 2023 Festival of Mosman will run from Friday 20 October to Sunday 29 October 2023; further details will be available on the Mosman Events site closer to the Festival period.
Prevention of Fraud and Corrupt Conduct Policy
Following consideration of Council’s approach to fraud and corruption by Mosman’s Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee (ARIC) in November last year, the Fraud and Corrupt Conduct Policy has been updated. After considering the revised policy Council resolved to adopt the amendments and to refer the adopted policy to ARIC, noting that the revised Prevention of Fraud and Corrupt Conduct Plan approved by the General Manager will also be referred to ARIC for endorsement. It was further resolved that interested Councillors avail themselves of training offered by LGNSW and ICAC.
NSROC Regional Waste Strategy
A report was submitted to Council outlining the Regional Waste Strategy developed by the Northern Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils (NSROC). The Strategy includes actions and initiatives consistent with the NSW Government’s 20-year Waste and Sustainable Materials Strategy 2041 (WASM) but does not adopt its targets. Key initiatives and outcomes in the NSROC Strategy are based around the themes of Avoid and Reduce, Recover Resources, Protect the Environment, Strategic Collaboration and Education and Engagement. Council resolved to endorse the NSROC Regional Waste Strategy, noting the multitude of actions already being implemented at the local level in relation to the management of waste and recycling.
Tender Assessments – Balmoral Oval and Inkerman Jetty and Seawall
Council considered two reports in relation to tender processes recently conducted for a) Balmoral Oval Surface Upgrade and Associated Works and b) Inkerman Street Jetty and Seawall Refurbishment. After considering the reports, Council resolved to appoint Renworx Pty Ltd to carry out the works at Balmoral Oval and Lloyd Drilling Constructions Pty Ltd to undertake the jetty and seawall works at Inkerman Street.
Mosman Walking and Cycling Strategy 2022-2027
A new Mosman Walking and Cycling Strategy has recently been drafted, with valuable input provided by Council’s Active Transport Community Consultative Committee. Council considered the draft Strategy and resolved that it be endorsed for community consultation. The draft Strategy will again be referred to Council at the conclusion of the public consultation period.
Smoking in Public Places
Council resolved to review its policy on the management of smoking in public places, last reviewed in 2007, to incorporate more contemporary practices including vape products and e-cigarettes. It was further resolved that the Mayor write to the State Government seeking a ban on the sale of all e-cigarettes except at designated pharmacies and by prescription only.
Outdoor Exercise Equipment
Noting the high use and community value placed on Mosman’s outdoor exercise equipment, Council resolved to conduct an audit to review the condition, usage and repairs needed to existing equipment, to identify areas not serviced, and available grants to fund new equipment. Following the audit a report will be provided to Council recommending any further actions for equipment upkeep or repair and the cost of providing new equipment at any desirable additional locations.