Council Decided - 7 March 2017
Merger Poll
In response to a Mayoral Minute delivered by Mayor Peter Abelson, Council resolved that, in the event of a council election taking place on or around 9 September 2017, a full citizen poll be conducted on the proposed merger of Mosman, North Sydney and Willoughby at that election and the NSW Government be asked to respect the results. The wording of the proposed poll question will be brought back to Council at a later date.
Proposed Planning Act Amendments
Council approved preparation of a submission on the latest proposed amendments to the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act. The submission will address a range of issues including proposed changes to the Act’s objects, and other matters relating to community participation, strategic planning, development assessment, complying development, building provisions, local planning panels, and enforcement and compliance issues. Public feedback on the legislative amendments (details of which can be accessed here) is being sought until 31 March 2017.
Draft SEPP – Educational and Child Care Facilities
Council discussed a number of concerns relating to the draft State Environmental Planning Policy (Educational Establishments and Child Care Facilities) 2017, voicing its strong opposition to the proposal for government and non-government schools to be granted self-determining planning powers. Council considers this entirely inappropriate and contrary to community interest. Concerns were also expressed about the lack of community awareness of the proposed changes to planning powers and controls for schools and child care centres and it was resolved by Council that action be taken to increase residents’ awareness and understanding of both the issues and Council’s strong opposition to key elements of the draft SEPP. A submission outlining Mosman Council’s views on, and objections to, the draft SEPP will be prepared addressing issues such as potential expansion in residential neighbourhoods, Council certification of developments and adaptive reuse of existing dwellings.
Residents are encouraged to review the draft SEPP here and provide their comments to the NSW Department of Planning and Environment by the exhibition closing date of 7 April 2017.
Draft North District Plan
Council considered a report on the draft North District Plan prepared by the Greater Sydney Commission. This plan – one of six such plans for districts within the Greater Sydney Region – focusses on future housing supply, including housing targets for the next five years, and addressing affordable housing demand. The housing target for Mosman is an additional 300 dwellings by 2021. Council noted a number of issues and concerns regarding the draft plan, and agreed that these be included in a submission to the NSW Government. The submission will cover matters such as appropriate infrastructure to support the future population, the need to address traffic congestion (with particular reference to a vehicular tunnel connecting the northern beaches and North Sydney) and the importance of protecting the scenic quality of Sydney Harbour and its surrounds. Councillors will also look further at Mosman’s current housing capacity and options for meeting Mosman’s five year target.
The public consultation period for the draft Plan (see here for further details) closes on 31 March 2017.
Cricket Practice Nets – Balmoral
Council has approved replacement of the existing six cricket nets in the south-western corner of Balmoral Oval with nine nets in two banks of five and four nets. The area to be occupied by the new cricket nets is similar to the existing (made possible through a reduction in pitch width), thereby increasing available nets while minimising site disturbance and adverse impact on other recreational and sporting uses of the Oval.