Council Decided – 6 February 2018
Council returned for its first meeting of 2018. The following is a precis of some of the decisions made by Council at that meeting:
Australia Day Celebrations and Citizens of the Year
A Mayoral Minute was presented outlining the activities that had taken place in Mosman to celebrate Australia Day 2018. These activities included a citizenship ceremony for 34 new Australians, followed by a rendition of the national anthem led by Mosman’s 2018 Australia Day Ambassador, Kamahl. The celebrations also included the announcement of dual Mosman Citizens of the Year, William Tuck and Vicki Condon. Recipient of the Young Citizen of the Year award is Melissa Thompson.
General Manager Recruitment
Council resolved to proceed with the recruitment of a General Manager on a five year performance based contract. Council was previously limited to appointing a General Manager for 12 months only, when Mosman was subject to a merger proposal with North Sydney and Willoughby Councils. As the State Government has determined not to proceed with the merger, the standard contract term for Council General Managers and senior staff can now be applied. It is intended that the recruitment process be finalised prior to the completion of Dominic Johnson’s current 12 month contract in late August.
Mosman Friendship Cities Committee
Council resolved to appoint Clare Stockdale and Midori Matsuoka as community representatives on the Mosman Friendship Cities Committee. This Committee will assist Council with its various friendship city agreements, including hosting delegations from international and regional partners.
Child Care Centre, Balmoral Park
It was agreed that Council proceed with work to redevelop the Child Care Centre in Balmoral Park following the conclusion of existing lease arrangements in mid-2018. Subject to all necessary approvals being obtained for a new centre on the current site, it was also resolved that Council relocate its MOCC child care service from Allan Border Oval Pavilion to the new development. The new centre is to be operated by Council staff.
Festival of Mosman 2017
Council was presented with a report reviewing the delivery of the 2017 Festival of Mosman. It was resolved that the Festival continue to be held on a biennial basis, with the next event to be held in Spring 2019. The popular Pet’s Day Out will continue as an annual event and the Out and About series of events will continue to be held in alternate years to the Festival.
Membership of Local Government NSW
On a number of occasions in 2017 Council gave consideration to the continuation of its long-term membership of Local Government NSW. This matter was again considered and it was resolved by Council that Council continue its membership of the organisation.
Memory Park Playground Upgrade
The playground at Memory Park was installed in 2003 and is nearing the end of its useful life. Following community consultation regarding a new playground at the park in 2017, Council has approved the design of the new Memory Park Playground, with works at the park to also include landscaping, upgrading of paved areas, new turf areas, soft fall and fencing at a total cost of approximately $375,000.
Military Road Streetscape Upgrade Works
In December 2016 Council resolved to proceed with streetscape improvement works in and around the roundabout at the intersection of Military Road, Middle Head Road, Bradleys Head Road and Prince Albert Street to create a more pedestrian friendly space with improved walkability and opportunities for outdoor dining. Following subsequent consideration by the Local Traffic Committee, tenders were sought for the relevant construction works. Council has now accepted a tender to undertake works including three pedestrian crossings, closure of a slip lane and the parking area adjacent to the roundabout, and creation of a new alfresco dining area. Further works including landscaping and lighting will be undertaken separately by specialised contractors. It is expected that the works will commence in late March and take approximately four months to complete.
Lighting Proposal – Drill Hall Common Netball Courts
Council heard representations from members of the Mosman Netball Club and residents of Cross Street regarding the proposed installation of lighting at the netball courts in Drill Hall Common. This followed a period of community consultation on the proposal in November and December 2017. Following consideration of this matter it was resolved that Council seek approval from the Sydney Harbour Federation Trust to lodge a development application for the proposed works. Subject to this approval being obtained, Council also agreed to seek relevant changes to the lease and the Plan of Management for the site.
Outdoor Dining and Goods on Footpath Policy
Council considered a report in relation to its Outdoor Dining and Goods on Footpath Policy and resolved to adopt amendments to the policy allowing Council to designate specified areas as shared outdoor dining zones. These zones are subject to the requirement that the public footpath immediately outside any individual shop is to be protected for pedestrian ingress and egress.
Complaints Management and Customer Response Policies
Council maintains policies that deal with customer response and the handling of complaints. A review of these policies has been undertaken, and Council has resolved to adopt a new Complaints Management Policy incorporating a number of amendments. These include better definition of complaints and categories of complaints, a focus on continuous improvement and general amendments to make the policy more accessible and concise. Given the operational nature of the Customer Response Policy, it will be recast as a Corporate Practice.