Council Decided – 5 December 2017
This was Council’s last Ordinary Meeting for 2017. Council’s next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 6 February 2018.
Audit Committee Report
The Chair of Council’s Audit Risk and Improvement Committee, Mr Brian Halstead, presented his report on the activities of the Committee for the period December 2016 – December 2017. In receiving the report Council thanked Mr Halstead and all members of the Audit Risk and Improvement Committee for their valuable contribution over the past year.
Council Meeting Schedule
Council adopted its meeting schedule for 2018. Ordinary Council Meetings will be held regularly on the first Tuesday of the month commencing at 7pm (6.40pm for Open Question Time), with the exception of November, when Council’s Ordinary Meeting will be held on the second Tuesday.
Community Grants Program
Council considered a report on usage of unexpended funds from its 2017/18 Community Grants Program and agreed that funds be allocated to a series of capacity-building workshops to assist local community groups with a range of contemporary community management functions such as grant seeking, fundraising, volunteer management and use of social media. Guidelines for the Community Grants Program are due to be reviewed prior to the 2018/19 funding round.
Immunisation Clinic Review
Having considered a range of issues relating to ongoing management of its Immunisation Clinic, Council resolved to cease operation of the clinic from April 2018. Monthly clinics will continue to be held until that time at Mosman Drill Hall on the third Tuesday of the month, 10am-12noon.
Shorelink Library Network
Council reaffirmed its ongoing commitment to the Shorelink Library Network, agreeing to the finalisation and endorsement of a new Deed of Agreement for the network as a cooperative venture between Lane Cove, Mosman, and North Sydney Councils. Willoughby Council has recently withdrawn from the network and Manly Library Service will also withdraw in June 2018 following the creation of Northern Beaches Council.
Financial Statements 2016/17
Council’s audited Financial Statements for the financial year ending 30 June 2017 were tabled and formally received.
Accessibility Ramp – Clifton Gardens Beach
Concept plans for a new ramp providing assisted access to the water at Clifton Gardens were presented to Council. It was agreed that these plans be provided to Council’s Access and Mobility Committee in the first instance for comment. The Committee will also be asked to advise on the priority of this work, relative to other access priorities, prior to further consideration as part of the next MOSPLAN – due to commence in July 2018.
Draft Sydney Metropolitan Plans and Future Transport Strategy
Having considered a report on major strategic documents released recently for public comment by the Greater Sydney Commission, Council resolved to endorse submissions on the draft Greater Sydney Region Plan, the revised draft North District Plan, the draft Future Transport 2056 Strategy and the draft Greater Sydney Services and Infrastructure Plan. The content of these submissions is available here: Draft Greater Sydney Region Plan and revised draft North District Plan (97kB)
Mosman Civic Centre
Council resolved to proceed with a program of maintenance and renewal works to address historical underspend on the Mosman Civic Centre and Barry O’Keefe Library, exacerbated by issues such as the extended merger proposal period over the last few years. Various public and staff areas will be updated as part of this two-year program.
Sydney Coastal Councils Membership
Council again considered its future membership of the Sydney Coastal Councils Group (SCCG), having previously debated this issue at its meeting in October 2017. The Executive Director of the SCCG, Mr Geoff Withycombe, addressed Council on the matter. It was subsequently resolved that Mosman Council not continue its membership of the SCCG beyond June 2018 and that written advice to this effect be provided to the SCCG in accordance with constitutional requirements.
Development Application – Middle Head Oval
A large number of community members were present for Council’s latest consideration of matters relating to Middle Head Oval, in particular the proposal to install a synthetic playing surface at that location. Several members of the community spoke both in favour of and against the proposal. After deliberating further on the issue, Council resolved to work toward a best practice natural turf surface at Middle Head Oval, with a commitment to improving the playing surface. This will involve works proceeding in two stages; firstly surface renovation works prior to the 2018 Winter Season and secondly (following further report/s to Council), a complete turf redevelopment to be ready for the 2019 Winter Season. The new surface will be monitored for a three year period, with annual reports being prepared on the performance of the improvements. It was also resolved that Council write to the owner and consent authority, the Sydney Harbour Federation Trust, asking that a separate Development Application be accepted for the proposed amenities block, children’s playground and landscaping works at the Oval.
Electrical Vehicle Recharging
Council endorsed a proposal for staff to investigate and report on potential opportunities for third party installation and provision of electric vehicle charging facilities in Council owned parking spaces.