Council Decided – 4 October 2022
Advocating for a National Minister for Children
In response to a Mayoral Minute delivered by Mayor Carolyn Corrigan, Council resolved to write to the Prime Minister and the Federal Minister for Social Services to advance the case for a stand-alone National Minister for Children. In delivering her Mayoral Minute Mayor Corrigan stated that the safety, including e-safety, care and wellbeing of all children needs to become a national priority, and noted the special opportunity presented by National Children’s Week (22-30 October) to advocate for the wellbeing of children in Australia. Mayor Corrigan referenced a speech last month by the National Children’s Commissioner, Anne Hollands, in which Commissioner Hollands stated that Australia ranks a disappointing 32 out of 38 OECD countries on child wellbeing.
Visual Amenity Community Consultative Committee
Council noted a report from staff advising of the recent unsuccessful application for funding to support an indigenous interpretative signage initiative. It was resolved that further meetings of Council’s Visual Amenity Community Consultative Committee be held in abeyance pending alternate external funding being secured for the project.
Community Engagement Strategy
Following the recent public exhibition of Council’s Draft Community Engagement Strategy comprising a draft Community Engagement Policy and Toolkit, it was resolved that the Strategy documents, as exhibited, be adopted. The newly adopted Community Engagement Strategy meets Council’s legislated obligations under the Local Government Act 1993 and the Integrated Planning and Reporting Guidelines released by the NSW Government in 2021. The Community Engagement Strategy is to be read alongside Council’s Community Participation Plan which deals specifically with planning and development matters.
New Year’s Eve Alcohol Free Zone – Bradleys Head Road and Athol Wharf Road
Council resolved, in accordance with past practice, to establish an Alcohol Free Zone (AFZ) in the southern section of Bradleys Head Road south of Whiting Beach Road and in Athol Wharf Road for New Year’s Eve fireworks events in 2022,2023, 2024 and 2025. The AFZ, which will be appropriately sign-posted, will run from 8am on 31 December each year to 6am on 1 January.
Installation of Pedestrian Facilities on Gladstone Avenue
Council considered proposed new pedestrian facilities in Gladstone Avenue adjacent to Mosman High School after the matter was referred to it by the Local Traffic Committee (LTC). Following extended debate on the issue Council resolved that Mosman High’s preference to install a pedestrian crossing on Gladstone Avenue at the intersection with Keston Avenue be noted and that the school proceed with community consultation on the proposal, after which a report on consultation outcomes be reported to the next available LTC meeting.
Street Tree Master Plan
After considering a report from staff identifying poor performing street trees along Military and Spit Roads and recommending new species to increase canopy cover and shade in hard stand areas, Council resolve to make minor adjustments to its Street Tree Master Plan. These adjustments incorporate the following species for future plantings: Spit Road (Military Road to Medusa Street): Lophostemon confertus and Eucalyptus resinfera; Military Road (Spit Road to Spofforth Street): Melaleuca quinquenervia and Eucalyptus microcorys; and Cardinal Street (Military Road to Prince Street): Angophora costata and Angophora floribunda.
Building Management Contracts
Following a review of performance against current building management contracts, Council resolved to extend the contract periods for existing providers of civic building cleaning, external building and window cleaning, graffiti management and pest control until 1 November 2024. A new tender process for public amenity cleaning was recently completed and Council resolved that the contract for this service be awarded to Wescon Group Pty Ltd for 2022-2028, with Solo being approved as a panel contractor for additional works.
Life Saving Aids and Resuscitation Signage
Council resolved to conduct an audit of life saving aids and resuscitation signage at high use swim locations managed by Council, including appropriate upgrades to devices and signage where required.