Council Decided - 4 October 2016
Audited Financial Reports for the Year ended 30 June 2016
Council‘s Audited Financial Reports and Auditors Reports for 2015/16 were presented to Council following a period of public exhibition. No submissions were received during this period. Council‘s 2015/16 Financial Statements, previously adopted on 6 September 2016, show an Operating Surplus (before capital grants and contributions) at 30 June 2016 of $1.038 million.
IPART Rating Submission
Council resolved to endorse a submission to IPART in relation to IPART‘s current review of the local government rating system in NSW. The draft submission considered by Council is available here. In endorsing this draft submission Council also resolved to provide further commentary and support for equalisation of rates.
Proposal for a Greater Mosman
Council considered a Notice of Motion proposing the investigation of boundary adjustments leading to a ‘Greater Mosman’ local government area, in lieu of the forced amalgamation of Mosman, North Sydney and Willoughby proposed by the NSW Government. This Notice of Motion was defeated.
Temporary Appointment of General Manager
Mr Dominic Johnson has been acting in the position of Council‘s General Manager since August 2016. Council resolved, subject to his acceptance, to temporarily appoint Mr Johnson as the General Manager of Mosman Council for a period of 10 months from October 2016.