Council Decided – 3 April 2018
MOSPLAN and Budget
Council resolved to place its latest MOSPLAN, including the draft 2018-2028 Community Strategic Plan, 2018-2028 Long Term Financial Plan, 2018-2021 Workforce Plan, 2018-2021 Delivery Program and 2018-2019 Operational Plan, Budget and Fees and Charges on public exhibition. Preparation of these documents followed an extended period of community consultation and consideration by Councillors.
The draft MOSPLAN documents can be viewed here or by visiting the Civic Centre or Barry O’Keefe Library. Submissions on the documents will be received up until Sunday 13 May. Following community comment, these documents will be adopted in June and come into force on July 1 this year.
To give effect to some of the proposals included in the draft MOSPLAN documents it was also resolved that the Mosman Development Contributions Plan 2016 be amended and the relevant amendments be exhibited for public comment. The exhibition of these amendments will be undertaken during April-May 2018 and will be reported to Council in June in conjunction with the next report on MOSPLAN and Council’s Budget.
Balmoral Park Childcare Redevelopment
Following Council’s previous decision to proceed with plans for a new childcare centre at Balmoral Park, tenders were called for the design and construction of a modular facility. After considering the tenders received, Council resolved to enter into negotiations with three selected tenderers who will be asked to produce a site design, confirm pricing schedules and present their work to Councillors. This matter will be further reported to Council following presentation of refined submissions to Councillors.
Shade Structure Replacement Works, The Esplanade
Council considered the replacement of shade structures currently in place above outdoor dining areas along The Esplanade, Balmoral and heard from business owners who utilise these shaded areas. It was subsequently resolved that this matter be deferred for a site meeting including staff, interested Councillors and business owners.
Taronga Conservation Society Australia Board Nominees
Council has for many years provided nominees to the Minister responsible for Taronga Park Zoo for determination of a Mosman representative on the Taronga Conservation Society Australia Board. In response to a recent request from the Chief Executive of the Society, Council resolved to nominate the Mayor and Deputy Mayor for the Board position, with former Mayors and Councillors also to be canvassed for potential nomination.
Bike Share
In recent times Mosman has been dealing with a range of issues associated with the emergence of dockless bike share operators in the Sydney metropolitan area. Various Councils and regional organisations have proposed solutions to the issues being faced, with the Northern Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils resolving in February to adopt Bike Sharing Guidelines previously developed by a group of inner Sydney councils.
Council considered a report outlining the key elements of the guidelines and resolved that the Bike Sharing Guidelines be adopted. Council will request compliance with the guidelines from bike sharing companies and, subject to legal advice, impound bikes from bike sharing companies that fail to abide by the guidelines. Council also resolved to write to the Premier requesting that the NSW Government take a leadership role on this issue and pass legislation empowering councils to take proactive action in regulating share bikes.
Electric Car Charging Stations
Following a previous request from Council, a report was presented to the meeting providing information on potential opportunities for third party installation and provision of electric vehicle charging facilities in Council owned parking spaces. It was subsequently resolved by Council that an electric car charging station in Mosman not be pursued at this time.
Café Sustainability Ratings
After discussing opportunities to encourage sustainable café practices in Mosman, it was resolved that a report be prepared for Council’s consideration outlining options to assess café sustainability and the promotion of options for sustainable cups and other packaging and materials used in café operations. The experiences of other Sydney Councils including Sydney City and Ryde are to be leveraged in these investigations. It was also resolved by Council that a further workshop be held with café operators to discuss sustainability products, recycling and biodegradable materials, and to assess support for a local sustainability rating system.