Council Decided – 14 November 2017
Middle Head Oval Development Application
Council again considered proposed works including a synthetic surface, amenities building and playground at Middle Head Oval and resolved to cease further work on the relevant Development Application pending a report to Council at its December 2017 meeting. Prior to this meeting Council will also conduct a workshop and inspect synthetic surfaces at Blackman Park and Cammeray Oval.
Social Media Policy
In response to a Mayoral Minute from Councillor Carolyn Corrigan, Council resolved that a draft Social Media Policy be prepared for its consideration.
Community Consultative Committees
Council resolved to appoint a number of community members to its Access and Mobility, Arts and Culture, Active Transport and Visual Amenity Community Consultative Committees, as well as to call Expressions of Interest for its Friendship Cities Committee and to establish a public gardens volunteer group to facilitate community involvement in public garden improvement works. Discussions will be held with past associates of the Mosman Youth Forum to look at methods for reinvigorating the youth consultation process.
2016-2017 Annual Report
Council’s Annual Report for the 2016-2017 financial year was presented at the meeting and will now be referred to the NSW Minister for Local Government.
Model Code of Conduct
Council considered a report outlining proposed changes to the Model Code of Conduct and Procedures governing ethical standards that apply to Council officials. These changes are contained in consultation drafts circulated recently for public comment. It was subsequently resolved that Council make a submission to the NSW Office of Local Government generally supporting the changes, however also objecting to the onerous nature of Clause 3.15 of the proposed Model Code. This clause relates to Council officials keeping written records of all meetings and other communications with applicants or objectors to planning applications and is considered unreasonable on the grounds that planning determinations in Mosman are made by the Mosman Development Assessment Panel and not Council.
Spit East Streetscape Upgrades
The Spit East Streetscape Upgrade Project was considered at the Mosman Traffic Committee on 25 October and was subsequently referred to Council by the Committee owing to concerns raised at the October 25 meeting. It was resolved by Council, in keeping with the recommendation made by the Committee, that a Road Safety Audit be undertaken to determine the most suitable entry treatment and to address concerns raised by the Committee.
Car Share
Council also considered recommendations from the Mosman Traffic Committee in relation to car share spaces in Mosman. It was subsequently resolved that five new car share spaces be installed and that Council also review its car share policy, noting that there are new participants in the market and residents can benefit from greater choice of providers. The new locations for car share spaces are adjacent to 1A The Crescent, 48 Raglan Street, 22 Mosman Street, Raglan Street West Carpark and 89 Glover Street.
Mosman Police Station
The NSW Government has recently amalgamated several Local Area Commands in Sydney, including the Harbourside and Chatswood Local Area Commands. In light of this action Council resolved to write to the Police Minister seeking a commitment to retain the Mosman Police Station and advising that it considers retaining public land in public ownership a high priority.