Council Decided 1 May 2018
January-March 2018 Quarterly Reports
Council was presented with a third quarter progress report on the delivery of programs and projects under its revised 2013-2018 MOSPLAN Delivery Program, with the significant majority of actions completed or progressing according to plan. The third quarter financial statement was also presented, indicating a revised 2017/18 surplus before capital grants and contributions of $495,000 – up $188,000 from the previous estimate of $307,000.
General Manager Recruitment
Council considered the outcomes of its recent recruitment process for a new General Manager. This recruitment was conducted in advance of Dominic Johnson’s twelve month contract concluding in August 2018. It was subsequently resolved by Council that Mr Johnson be appointed to the position of Mosman Council’s General Manager for a further five year term. Mr Johnson originally joined Council in 2016.
Community Grants and Assistance Policy
A revised Community Grants and Assistance Policy was adopted by Council. The amended policy places greater emphasis on the achievement of measurable outcomes, the enhancement of social and mental well-being, and projects that promote social inclusion and partnerships. In adopting the revised Policy and associated guidelines, Council also resolved to increase the maximum funding available to individual organisations under its Community Grants program to $4,000. Applications for the 2018/19 program open in May.
Raglan Street West Carpark
In recent years Council has undertaken various investigations into the redevelopment of the Raglan Street West carpark site, including development and parking studies, and associated community consultation. The proposed outcome has been to provide increased public parking on the site, as well as options for mixed commercial/residential development and improved public toilet facilities. Having regard to the site investigations undertaken to date, Council resolved to carry out a formal Expression of Interest process to identify organisations that might potentially undertake a redevelopment of the site either with or on behalf of Council. Council will give further consideration to the site’s future once the Expression of Interest process is complete.
Street and Gutter Cleaning Contract
Tender specifications for a new Street Gutter and Cleaning contract for the 10 year period commencing October 2018 were approved by Council. The existing contract has in been in place since October 2011. The approved specifications include additional cleaning in areas that experience excessive build-up of leaf fall, replacement of current footpath scrubbing programs in business centres with a pressure wash process to more effectively remove stains, grime and mould deposits, and the extension of footpath cleaning in Military, Spit and Belmont Roads. Particular attention will be given to ensuring that footpath areas in and around outdoor dining locations are cleaned to a standard equivalent to non-dining locations.
Recycling Options
Council resolved to seek further information and to engage in future discussions on the impact of restrictions on recyclables exports to China, how to manage these impacts, Mosman Council’s current and future use of recycles products, and initiatives to assist households in the separation and collection of organic food waste.