Council Decided - 1 February 2016
Mosman, Manly and (part) Warringah Merger Proposal
Following presentation of a Mayoral Minute relating to the NSW Government‘s current merger proposal of Mosman, Manly, and part of the Warringah local government areas, Council resolved to formally reject the proposal which has never previously been the subject of consultation with the Mosman community. Council also called upon the State government to immediately release the KPMG report that has been used as the economic rationale for the proposal and for the State Government to initiate community polls in relation to the proposal. New banners will also be installed in Mosman as part of Council‘s information campaign.
Australia Day 2016 and Mosman Citizens of the Year
Mayor Peter Abelson delivered a Mayoral Minute on Council‘s recent Australia Day celebrations attended by approximately 200 people at Drill Hall Common. As part of the day‘s celebrations 57 new Australians were granted citizenship, Mosman‘s Citizen of the Year and Young Citizen of the Year were announced, and attendees enjoyed a community barbecue provided by the Lions Club of Mosman.
In his Mayoral Minute Councillor Abelson paid tribute to the 2016 Citizen of the Year, Virginia Howard and Young Citizen of the Year Jerome Dardis for their outstanding contributions to the Mosman community. A full copy of the Mayoral Minute is available here.
Model Code of Conduct Review
In December 2015 the NSW Government advised Council of amendments to the Local Government Act 1993 in relation to participation by Councillors in the consideration of environmental planning instruments including Local Environmental Plans. These legislative changes have necessitated amendments to Mosman‘s Code of Conduct and Council resolved that the relevant changes be made.
Family Day Care
Council resolved to continue its current partnership with children‘s service provider The Infants Home to deliver Family Day Care in Mosman. This arrangement is to be further reviewed by February 2018.
Planning Proposal – Bushland Sites
Following a report to Council in June 2015 proposing the rezoning of a number of bushland sites in Mosman, Council resolved to prepare a planning proposal to rezone 15 unmade road bushland sites and part of Quakers Hat North from Public Recreation to Environmental Conservation. This planning proposal was subsequently prepared and referred for community consultation. Council has now resolved that the relevant planning proposal be formally referred to Parliamentary Counsel so that the necessary changes can be made to Mosman‘s Local Environmental Plan. All advertised parcels of land, with the exception of Unmade Committee Street, are to be included in the final planning proposal.
Draft Management Plan for Middle Head
The Sydney Harbour Federation Trust intends to prepare a draft management plan for Middle Head in 2016 and has invited Council to advise of any particular matters it would like considered as part of this process. Council resolved that the Trust be advised of various matters it would like considered during preparation of the draft plan. These include maximising public access, adaptive re-use of buildings, retention of heritage buildings, expansion of views, sympathetic and compatible land use, enhancing the scenic significance of the foreshore when viewed from the harbour, effective management of traffic, appropriate management of bushfire risk, no privatisation of public land, protection of aboriginal heritage and protection and enhancement of the natural environment.