Street Tree Master Plan 2017
On 4 July 2017, Council adopted the Street Tree Master Plan 2017. The 2017 version is an update and will replace the previous master plan. It will reduce long-term maintenance costs and nuisance through more appropriate tree species selection. Maintaining existing view lines (from private and public land) has also been one of the major considerations when drafting the amendments.
In addition, streets have had species changed to increase the use of current high performing species. The considerations for species selection was:
- Size of tree in relation to view corridors
- Plant species history and success in the Mosman area
- Overhead power lines and the ability for chosen species to be practically managed
- Available space
- 10/50 canopy loss on adjoining private properties
- Size of tree relative to soil availability
- Tolerance to soil type
- Ability to be managed as per current management practices
- Underground services
- Growth rate
- Seed/flower fall
- Drought tolerance
- Reduction in management costs
- Retention of existing Biodiversity Corridor and Habitat Link changes as per 2012 LEP amendments
The Street Tree Master Plan is used for street tree planting works by both Council and residents. It provides surety in species selection for each street in Mosman and is used in the development application process and when residents request for Council or themselves to plant a tree on public land in front of their property. A copy of the plan can be found on the Urban Forest page.