Community groups thanked and supported
Twenty eight community groups received a welcome boost to their programs and services through the presentation of community grants by Mosman Council today.
The grants, totalling more than $57,000, and generally up to $2,000 each, are provided as part of Council’s 2017/18 Community Grants program that assists non-profit community groups deliver projects that meet identified community needs.
In presenting the cheques, the Mayor of Mosman Cr Peter Abelson thanked the non-profit community-based groups in supporting Mosman residents and the wider community by working together with the Council for the benefit of residents. “Community groups are the backbone of our community. Each year we encourage local community groups to submit projects that will make a real difference in our community,” Cr Abelson said. “We want to support social, recreational and cultural initiatives by community groups and work with them to address our local priorities and issues”.
Last year, grants resulted in a range of valuable community projects including a community forum on supporting newly arrived migrants and refugees, a program at Mosman markets for inclusion of people with a disability and the provision of rescue equipment for water activities.
This year, the grants have been awarded for a range of projects, including digitisation of historical resources; contributing to the refurbishment of the Wishing Well at Balmoral; providing a greenhouse and watering system at Mackie Lane Community Garden; and assisting Life Education programs in local schools.
The grants program is one of several important ways in which Mosman Council supports community groups, including providing assistance to establish new services and programs, advocating for Commonwealth and/or State government funding, providing community information and promotion, and facilitating communication and networking amongst local community groups.
Cr Abelson urged groups to start considering possible projects for which they could apply for a grant next year and how they might work with each other and with Council. “Working in partnership with community groups is the best approach” he said.
The presentation was one of the last events hosted by the Mayor with community groups marking the end of the Mayor’s term on Council. Community group members took the opportunity to farewell the Mayor, to network with each other and exchange ideas.
The successful groups for 2017/18 are:
Girl Guides NSW & ACT – Mosman (Guide Hall Refurbishment)
Mosman Community College (History of Mosman Community College)
Mosman Croquet Club (G-Dax Sprayer)
Balmoral Sailing Club (Replacement of Roof Sheeting)
Taldumande Youth Services (Recreation & Social Engagement)
Mosman Parks & Bushland Association (Training for Archiving Records)
Change Creators Inc. (One Million Coffee Cups)
Mosman Netball Club (Professional Netballers Clinic)
Balmoral Triathlon Club (Junior Triathlon Program)
1st Clifton Gardens Sea Scouts (Stand Up Paddle Board Acquisition)
Mosman RSL Sub Branch (Anzac Day Dawn Service 2018)
The Barn Quilters (Barn Quilters Quilt Show 2017)
Mosman Historical Society (Mosman Mail Digitisation Project)
Mosman Lawn Tennis Club (Clubhouse Flooring)
Rotary Club of Mosman (Wishing Well at Balmoral Maintenance)
Ezyswim Swimming Club, Mosman (Automated Starting & Timing System)
Mosman Symphony Orchestra (Mosman Symphony Orchestra 2017-18)
Lower North Shore Domestic Violence Network (DV Awareness Campaign – Coasters)
Spit Swimming Club (PB Wireless Timing System)
Crows Nest Centre Computer Club (3D Printing & Timing System)
The Shepherd Centre (Confident ClassMATE Program)
Life Education NSW (Towing Life Education Learning Centre)
1st Balmoral Sea Scouts (Infrastructure Upgrade 2017)
St Clements Church (Carols at the Rotunda 2017)
Mosman Musical Society (Show & Cabaret Season 2017-18)
Mosman Music Club (Mosman Concert Series)
Mosman Community Gardeners (Greenhouse with Watering System)
St Lukes Mosman Music Association Inc (Eisteddfod & Music Concert)