Bushfire Risk Management Plan
Mosman North Sydney Willoughby Bushfire Management Committee (MNSWBFMC) is currently seeking public comment on its draft Bushfire Risk Management Plan. The proposed plan is for five years and covers the Mosman, North Sydney and Willoughby Local Government Areas.
The plan identifies assets that have the potential to be exposed to bushfire, assigns specific mitigation strategies to reduce their vulnerability and specifies who is responsible for carrying out the mitigation treatments within specific timeframes.
Mosman Council manages 39 hectares of bushland and has significant bushland interface areas with National Parks, Sydney Harbour Federation Trust, Taronga Zoo and Department of Defence lands. All land managers develop annual work programs to strategically address the risk of bushfire in conjunction with Fire and Rescue NSW in a process coordinated by the MNSWBFMC.
Comments can be made until Friday 30 June 2017 and addressed to Executive Officer of the MNSWBFMC 99 Shirley Road Crows Nest NSW 2165, emailed to bushfire.FRNSW@fire.nsw.gov.au or can be made online on Council’s website.